Monday, October 4, 2010

haircut hangover

Yesterday I decided to get a haircut. before going to the salon I was both anxious and excited. Excited because I was ready to say goodbye to split ends and dry hair and ecstatic to say hello to healthy hair. Since I was a kid I've hated haircuts! My mom always wanted my hair short even when I thought I wasn't due for another haircut for about a couple of months. I've always been anxious to visit this particular "stylist", since I remember crying in the salon at 10 years old when he cut my hair too short. All I could do with it was tuck it behind my ears. What a total disaster! I cried like crazy. I mean everybody has heard of the saying that a girl's her is her crowing glory. I completely live by that! Why? Well because I think that hair can make or break how you look. I don't care if I leave the house in shorts, a graphic tee, sneakers, and a nude face, just as long as my hair looks neat, I'm definitely good to go. Call me vain, but this is the only aspect where I am vain. I never wear make up and I hardly dress up when I'm in my hometown, and when I do decide to dress up it's pretty simple.

So yesterday first thing I did when I got the salon was to make clear to the stylist what length I wanted my hair to be. I even pointed at which point I wanted it. So with an okay, I was set and lounging. It wasn't until a couple of minutes later, when I saw him pull my hair I panicked. I knew it was shorter than I wanted it to be. So I told him again that I didn't want it short, and he responded that it wasn't. But there was this voice inside my head that kept on telling me "He's lying, you were right to begin with. He'd never listen to what you want." After that point I felt so uneasy, too uneasy in fact that even the stylist told me he felt nervous! I mean I had disappointment and regret written all over my face. My sister was looking at me expecting tears to start falling, but lucky enough I held it in.

30 minutes later I was done, and like the voice in my head, I was right. The 3 inches I expected to be cut off turned into 5! But it was too late. What could I have done? I didn't want it this short for a reason, so I wouldn't have to use a hair dryer almost everyday. Too much for the customer is always right. It doesn't look that bad, believe me. In fact my family thinks it suites me well. Problem is I just don't want to take extra time to fix it. So all I can do is keep my fingers crossed my hair grows fast. Now I totally remember why I never got my haircut by him for 5 years.

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