Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today's Outfit


This is what my outfit looks like. A plain black loose v-neck shirt, tucked into dark jeans and my black havaians brazil flip flops with my black oversized bag that looks like a mulberry bayswater. I love that it's simple & I'm actually thinking of keeping this look. So for 2011 I think I'm going classic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I don't get swayed away by graphic tees 'coz as it is I've found a couple I want to get.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Too Juicy to miss

So I was online and was on tumblr when one of the people I follow, posted Juicy Coture stuff. I saw a ton of stuff I wanted and decided to go to their website. So now I have a couple of things I want. Here they are according to order on how much I want them.

1. Brogue 'Duchess' Tote

 2.  Quilted Medium Duchess (in either or both!)

3.  Polka Dot Chain Mini Bag

4.  Borgue Zip Clutch

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


This is definitely not the season for flip flops, but in a country with tropical weather all year long, you'll never go wrong with 'em. From sunny in the morning to all of a sudden gloomy by noon, flip flops can be life savers for some people living here. After all, who would want to have their shoes all ruined & soaked after paying good money for them?

Today I got 2 pairs of flip flops. First pair I got was the usual black havaianas brazil one. This is actually my second pair in the exact style and color. I got my first one freshman year of college, back in '06. I totally fell in love with it! The first reason being black, it would go with any, if not all, of my clothes. Second, it's a classic staple. Lastly, the fit was amazing! I don't know if it's just my siblings & I who've noticed, havaianas sizes tend to change measurements, which can be quite a bummer, but for this particular style the fit was perfect! So when it broke a year ago you can imagine the frustration I went through. To make things worse, every time I find a pair, it never comes in my size. So when I saw it today, I definitely didn't have second thoughts. It was also the last pair on the rack, not only in my size, but in all sizes. You can say it was meant for me. haha :)
The only difference from the old one is the word havaianas is now in yellow, while the old one was in black.

Second pair I got, I actually saw a week ago. I wanted to get it then and there because of it's design. For the past 6 months I've had quite the obsession with flamingos. I really don't know why, but they look so cute! That's actually the only reason why I got it. haha. Majority of my flip flops come in shades of blue, so when I saw it, it made me think twice. 'Til now I quite don't know what made me decide, but I guess I'm stuck with it. Oh, and before I forget, the straps for this pair are glow in the dark. Might as well make the most of it. :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Wishlist

Mini manicure kit perfect to throw in my bag for quick fixes

Folders with day labels to be more organized & less lost

Wreck this journal for boring days

These two rompers just 'cause i like the prints and my other rompers are stripes

Nail dryer coz i'm crazy for nail polish, & aside from my sally hansen kwik dry, i'd just love one for faster drying

Plaid red & navy shirt 'cause i think it's a staple

This dress! just looks like something i could keep wearing & never grow out of

Classic canvas toms in red and natural. red for it's awesome bright impact that would just give an outfit a little extra, & natural 'cause it goes with anything & everything.

This 2011 calendar because it's cute and simple

This camera case. i love the yellow and the way it looks. plus i'm tired of my black boring case.

Monkey Pjs (see previous post)

Macadamia Nuts Kisses because i'm crazy for chocolate and macadamia nuts!
Roxy figment bag in brown because, believe it or not, i don't have a brown bag and i love the shape

regret comes rolling in

so last friday, during my last day in manila for my overnight trip, i went to powerplant mall in rockwell to run a few last minute errands. while i was there i went around and browsed around a few stores, but didn't really decide on getting anything. so now here i am regretting things.

first thing to regret, a pair of royal blue wedges (just 1/2 inch in height) from payless shoesource. i didn't bother to check if they had it in my size, and now i want them. second, a cute butterfly necklace from parfois. it could have been perfect for plain dresses or tops. third, a pair of tan flats from nine west (been wanting them since april and when i decided to get them, the branch in rockwell didn't have them anymore). lastly, a pair of pjs from dorothy perkins (see picture below). it was purple (not my favorite color), but i love the print! a little cartoon monkey! i'm crazy for cartoon monkeys!  now, i so want those pjs! plus while i was browsing dorothy perkins' site, i found a similar one, but with a cow print on it, which is equally adorable and comes in my favorite color combo, blue & white!!! along with them, i saw this polka dotted robe which would be great, since the robe i own is ankle length. hahah!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Kate Spade Cool

So I found these items online, and i'm dying to get them. Saw the first two on tumblr, then decided to go to Kate Spade's website and found the owl coin purse. The last item, the ipod case, I've wanted for almost a year. My sister actually has the case in turquoise for her iphone, and that made me want to get the pink more, It's quality is just amazing! I love how the bag and large pouch can go hand it hand. The typewriter key details make the bag unique with a vintage feel, yet the red makes it look fresh and updated. I love it's size and that it comes with a sling. You'll never know when things start to get heavy and how unexpected a day can be, the sling will always be convenient. Speaking of red, it's pretty cool how it ties up with the lining if the pouch. It's pretty cute how it's design is a sheet from a notebook too. I can even personalize it if I get tired of the plain or if it starts to get dirty. The owl coin purse is amusing. I feel like it's telling me not spend money just because it looks angry. Well that's just me. All adorable thing I want to get!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

a week's worth of entries

so i wasn't able to blog for a week already, was quite busy last week. i've started exercising. started last monday with 30 laps. i added 10 laps daily, finishing with 70 last friday. friday night though, i realized i felt heavier. muscle was building quickly, well i've always muscled quickly, but that's not what i wanted. so i decided to take it down a notch. so from this week onwards i plan to swim every monday's, wednesday's, and friday's. that way i still get exercise without getting as much muscle.

these pictures following though were my "little" temptations last week. well call it temptation or reward, it was definitely well earned.

cheese twisted fries

plain cheeseburger

sweet gummy worms, apple o's, & chocolate coated almonds

Monday, October 4, 2010

haircut hangover

Yesterday I decided to get a haircut. before going to the salon I was both anxious and excited. Excited because I was ready to say goodbye to split ends and dry hair and ecstatic to say hello to healthy hair. Since I was a kid I've hated haircuts! My mom always wanted my hair short even when I thought I wasn't due for another haircut for about a couple of months. I've always been anxious to visit this particular "stylist", since I remember crying in the salon at 10 years old when he cut my hair too short. All I could do with it was tuck it behind my ears. What a total disaster! I cried like crazy. I mean everybody has heard of the saying that a girl's her is her crowing glory. I completely live by that! Why? Well because I think that hair can make or break how you look. I don't care if I leave the house in shorts, a graphic tee, sneakers, and a nude face, just as long as my hair looks neat, I'm definitely good to go. Call me vain, but this is the only aspect where I am vain. I never wear make up and I hardly dress up when I'm in my hometown, and when I do decide to dress up it's pretty simple.

So yesterday first thing I did when I got the salon was to make clear to the stylist what length I wanted my hair to be. I even pointed at which point I wanted it. So with an okay, I was set and lounging. It wasn't until a couple of minutes later, when I saw him pull my hair I panicked. I knew it was shorter than I wanted it to be. So I told him again that I didn't want it short, and he responded that it wasn't. But there was this voice inside my head that kept on telling me "He's lying, you were right to begin with. He'd never listen to what you want." After that point I felt so uneasy, too uneasy in fact that even the stylist told me he felt nervous! I mean I had disappointment and regret written all over my face. My sister was looking at me expecting tears to start falling, but lucky enough I held it in.

30 minutes later I was done, and like the voice in my head, I was right. The 3 inches I expected to be cut off turned into 5! But it was too late. What could I have done? I didn't want it this short for a reason, so I wouldn't have to use a hair dryer almost everyday. Too much for the customer is always right. It doesn't look that bad, believe me. In fact my family thinks it suites me well. Problem is I just don't want to take extra time to fix it. So all I can do is keep my fingers crossed my hair grows fast. Now I totally remember why I never got my haircut by him for 5 years.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's like taking candy from a baby

My friends know that I've got quite the sweet tooth. In fact one of my favorite lines of all time is "There's always room for dessert." Well, partly 'coz it pacifies my binging on sweets and doesn't make me feel as bad as I should. Nasty habbit I know, but who can blame me? I grew up with sweets always around. My siblings and I were spoiled on sweets not just by our parents, but more by our grandparents on both my mom and dad's side. We've always lived with our paternal grandmother, and since we're her only grand kids, she spoiled us rotten on food. haha! Whatever my parents didn't want us to eat, we always got our way with her. The perks of living with a grandmother as motherly as her, is that aside from the crazy food stash, we knew that we had more than our parents to rely on and who loved us just as much. I remember she had this whole closet full of sweets and junk food, every parents nightmare right, but every kids dream. I'm lucky enough to have lived the dream., but it came with a catch. The closet was always locked, and everytime we wanted to get something we had to borrow the key from her. Good enough deal, now that i come to think of it. Anyway, she'd buy loads of chocolates in numbers that you can't imagine. 42 at once maybe? hahah! Well the reason behind that is, at that time where we live, we didn't have everything they had in the metro, so everytime she had the chance to go (or my parents would) she'd hoard as much as she could. The sweets didn't end there though, she'd hook us up with unlimited ice cream and popsicles! The freezer was never empty!

Then on Sunday's we've have the usual family lunch at my maternal grandparents house. Sweets were insane too! After our lunch we'd have ice cream. A different flavor every week, but everyone's favorite? Rocky Road. We'd die once we see it melting with nuts and marshmallows. Funny thing is that it never stopped there. My cousins, along with my siblings and I, always decided to stay after lunch and watch VHS movies in my grandparents TV room, one of the reasons was because they had a mini refrigerator packed with chocolate. Do you remember those m&m packs with the mini packets in them? Well that along with a bag of hershey's kisses always took the racks. The movie would end just in time when my grandpa woke up from his nap. Then we knew it was time to crowd up in his car (the 5 seater type) and go to McDonald's for a happy meal drive thru. It was insane, but that's what made my childhood happy and memorable, i guess.

Now back to that nasty habit. So this week I started to control, not stop, the habit. Rule is that I allow myslef to have sweets once during the weekdays and once during the weekends. So far I've had a glass of coke last wednesday for my weekday sweet (yes, i count soda as sweets because i'm crazy addicted!). So the question is, what do I get as my weekend sweet? I was thinking on getting a slice of my mom's chocolate mousse bombe or maybe her pecan chocolate cake? My mom makes cakes like you've tasted heaven! That's why my siblings and I hardly buy cake, 'coz we've always been very picky. I guess I'll know my verdict tonight. 'Til then a lot of thinking.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Amateur Blogger

Hey guys!

This is my first ever blog entry and my first official blog. I never in my life thought that I would start a blog, but here I am. What a surprise! Word of advise, i'm pretty random so don't expect much.

Pretty lucky that today's a bit more lax than my usual day so I got the chance to organize stuff in my laptop. Here's what my current dash looks like

I'm quite obsessed with the clutch. The color is just stunning! :D I hope to find one like it soon, but til that day comes (if that day comes), I can just gaze at its splendor everytime I turn on my computer.

That's it for now :)