Sunday, April 17, 2011

Summer Wishlist

Summer is here! It actually has been for a while now, but last march it kept raining and i couldn't feel it at all. Lately though, the sun's been shining bright to the point that the heat has been a total buzz kill. it's crazy! Nothing new there. Going back to this post now before i start bickering unnecessary things.

I've always been fond of surf/beach brands. I love how cool, cute, and easy they look. I love the simple laid back look, all my friends know that. So when summer comes I'm always on an ultimate high. So here are the things I complied which I hope I get to have even after summer is over. Crazy? Well not really since it feels like summer in the Philippines all year round. Come for a visit and you'll see what I mean!

Oh, just a warning. You might find a couple of things will come in multiple colors. It's because I just couldn't decide which one to pick since they were too lovely to pass. The CK One Summer 2011 edition is something I really am eying to get for sure. I currently have a different edition of it, which I love and is half way empty and while I was on vacation I was handed a sample and like the one I have now I can't get enough of it. So I'm definitely saving big for that one.







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