Sunday, April 17, 2011

Summer Wishlist

Summer is here! It actually has been for a while now, but last march it kept raining and i couldn't feel it at all. Lately though, the sun's been shining bright to the point that the heat has been a total buzz kill. it's crazy! Nothing new there. Going back to this post now before i start bickering unnecessary things.

I've always been fond of surf/beach brands. I love how cool, cute, and easy they look. I love the simple laid back look, all my friends know that. So when summer comes I'm always on an ultimate high. So here are the things I complied which I hope I get to have even after summer is over. Crazy? Well not really since it feels like summer in the Philippines all year round. Come for a visit and you'll see what I mean!

Oh, just a warning. You might find a couple of things will come in multiple colors. It's because I just couldn't decide which one to pick since they were too lovely to pass. The CK One Summer 2011 edition is something I really am eying to get for sure. I currently have a different edition of it, which I love and is half way empty and while I was on vacation I was handed a sample and like the one I have now I can't get enough of it. So I'm definitely saving big for that one.







Saturday, April 16, 2011

Going gaga over Chinos!

I've loved chinos' for months now, but I'm really head over heels for them now! Since this season is filled with tons of colors you can't help but feel you have to own a pair. But despite that fact, I'd still make an investment on basic ones.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Organization & Space

Here are some closet & organizing ideas I totally love. I feel like these ideas would be of good use coz i'll be able to see all the things I own. My current closet doesn't allow me to do that. Also the organizing ideas will help keep my room clean and look more spacious than it actually is.

I really like how this one looks. The shutters give the beach feel to it, which i adore! I love the beach, go figure. I also like how there are see through drawers which allow you to see what's inside. That way it saves you time from opening everything up to find what your looking for.
This idea would be perfect above my desk. Evrything is of easy access and it gives you that chic vibe. I'd go for white instead of brown, though.

These three are awesome for organizing accessories. I really like the cabinet because it gives you specific places to store your accessories by kind. But since my room is so small I think the first two would be more applicable.

But if I could really really pick out a closet I can own that I can store everything is it would be this

What a beauty!! I die everytime I see it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Time is Gold

These watches are to die for! They'd match anything and everything, plus they look like a million bucks! How awesome is that?? I'd love to own even just one of these.

Coach Boyfriend Bracelet Watch

Michael Kors Oversized Runway Watch

Nixon The Time Teller

J.Crew Who?

There isn't anyone who wouldn't know J.Crew. They're clothes are smart yet chic and even though they are pricier than other stores like The Gap, but if you're looking for something basic that you want to keep for ages, I think it would be worth the investment.

Anyway, I was "online window shopping" over at their site a couple weeks ago, and here are some of the things I found that I'd love to own.